The Administration of Sanctuary
Senior Administrators are
Nici (rotating SA)
The Senior Administrators are:
1. essentially troubleshooters, working to keep things going smoothly, and maintain the integrity of the list
2. ironing out problems and conflicts as they arise
3. making "new" rules only as needed and after submitting them to the entire list for comment and putting issues where there are dissenting opinions to a vote.
4. As a last resort, we retain the right to remove people from the list.
from the List
This extreme measure is only to be taken after all other possible solutions have been exhausted and such action is agreed upon by all 3 of us. In the event of a deadlock, we may call upon a 4th person from the list (whoever we feel has been most neutral on the current subject) to vote and break the tie. (Deadlock would be 1 for, 1 against, 1 abstaining) In the event that someone is to be removed from the list it will be the task of the Senior Admins to inform them. We really don't see any of this happening but it was decided to be safe and have the necessary mechanisms in place rather than be sorry later.
In the event that the troubles arise from an Admin, Senior or otherwise, that person will be subject to the same rules, including formal reprimand and even removal from the list, should the other admins or list as a whole deem it necessary. A 'No Confidence' vote will be performed and if found not in favor of the person, that person will cease immediately to hold an office.
Character Type Administrators
These positions exist so that there is a central mentor/coordinator for characters. Questions regarding a type of character are referred to the appropriate Character Type Admin. It is also the duty of the Character Type Admins to establish written guidelines for their character class to be posted on the webpage.
The Character Administrators
When a new player introduces a character it is the duty of the Character Admin to say "hi"and ask if they need any help. It will generally fall to The Character Admins: X and Y to classify characters and point their writers to the Admin of the correct group.
In cases where a character is equally viable for more than one classification the writer will be asked which group they prefer their character to be classified as. However, the bio will still have to be looked at by all character type admins to be sure the rules of type are followed.
Vampire Admin: Barbara
Were Admin: Clint
Faeries/Fey Admin: Nici
Angels/Demons Admin: Jenn
Witches/Mages Admin: Kelly
Human Admin: Fox
WWC (Welcome Wagon Commitee)
This group is responsible for mentoring new writers for a time and getting them into the game. It currently consists of:
Kelly (chairperson)
The group
As the game grows and we accept more new writers we may need more folks willing to help out with this. Essentially you'll be fielding questions from new writers about the game in general and helping them feel welcome, writing with them a bit so they can get their bearings, etc.
Administrator replacement procedure
Time Keeper and Weather Wizard Rhoni
The Time Keeper/Weather Wizard will be the keeper of days. This position will determine the date and the changing thereof.
As Weather Wizard the admin will be making announcements on the weather conditions for the day.
Definition of Days
The day will be primarily two weeks in duration. If there is a need to have the days (time for writing them) made longer, a writer or writers may request this from the Time Keeper who will bring this to the list for a vote. (Referred to as an extention of the day)
Extension Request Procedure
If there is a need by the writers in the group to have a day extended because of writing with several people on a particular plot, etc..., the day can be extended. However, we would like keep the days to two weeks whenever possible. Remember ladies and gentlemen, not all writers are in need of an extension and may very well be waiting for the next day to occur so they can get on with their story.
All requests for time extensions should be sent to the LIST no later than Tuesday of the second week of a game day. Please state reason (i.e.: midterms, crisis at work, sick kid,etc). If it affects an entire group, they should all send in requests or have a representative agreed upon by the group send their request to the list- -(please name all parties involved that you represent)--it will give people a better idea of the scope of the problem. If too many people fall behind, they'll never catch up.
The list has 48 hours to vote from the time the poll goes out. This will be a majority vote. If only 10 writers vote, they will be the ones that decide the issue, not the full 20 other words, no silent writers count as a 'yes' vote.
The time extension will take the form of an overlapping week in which writers can write for either day...but please state which day it is. Please state what day it is you are posting at the start of the post.
The Weather Wizard will post the weather for the new day when he/she sends out the reminder of the overlapping week.
of Days
In the event that there is not a need for a particular day the day in question can be skipped.I.E.: Very few if any writers are having anything occurring on a day, that day can at the request of the group be skipped.
Again ladies and gentlemen, if there is a request for a day to be skipped, please submit request to the list using the above format. Once again the majority voting will rule on this.
Using skipped days will compensate for the occasional extension as well and will help regular game time move a little more quickly as well. After all at 2 weeks per game day amonth will take well over a year (420 actual days) in Real Time to pass. If we skip 2 game days a week, it cuts it down to a little under a year of Real Time per game month.
Since holidays have been known to fall on both those days, or someone really, really needs to have something happen on one of those days, we can re-instate on case-by-case basis. I doubt any of us want to miss Xmas or Halloween in Sanctuary...or New Year's.
Tuesdays and Thursdays are automatically skipped!!
Changing Procedure
There will be a 7 day notification of the impending date change. The day that will bechanging will be noted and the upcoming day will be noted.
At this time the upcoming weather will be posted also. (so we can all prepare for it.) The request for the local news headlines for the next day will be made.
Once this notification is posted please, if there are any requests for date extensions or skips they need to be made at this time.
There will also be a 48 hour notification and a 24 hour notification of date change. If there has been no request for extensions or skips by this time it's too late, folks.
All news advertisements and headlines MUST be in before the 48 hour notice to be posted.Any sent after the 48 hour notice may not make it to the "paper" and Today Page (The date, moon phase, weather and daily news are posted on the web on the Today Page.)
Days Begin
Days will start and end with the dawn. Please have all reference made to a new day adhere to this. This will serve to keep the days consistent.
This page maintained by: The Web Master