Avery Hill Training Facility 

Owner: Kristina

Location: Weymouth Area not far from the track in Bidford.

Description: Avery Hill consists of four sixteen stall barns. Each barn has sixteen box stalls and a heated tack room. Feed and hay are stored in a separate room, all are clean and have hardwood floors, these are kept clean and obstacle free. The different barns are set up for when she begins her own breeding program, until that time she is using them for people who wish to board their horses. She has a total of 100 acres of hilly land that she implements in her training program. Her home is set on one of the hills that look down on the farm. She has an indoor sand ring that is heated during the winter and two outdoor training rings that she uses for teaching the horses to jump a series of jumps, it gives the animal more room. She only these while it's warm out.


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