Sanctuary Justice Center and Police
The Justice Complex
Three years ago Sanctuary opened its Justice Complex, which puts the courthouse, the Sanctuary Police Dept., the District Attorney's office and the Coroner's Office all in one area. Since Sanctuary has some strict zoning regulations for downtown buildings in order to keep the city center charming, the whole complex is red brick, with a certain Victorian look, although inside it is strictly Institutional Modern.
Coroner's Office and Morgue
The Office of the Medical Examiner investigates all sudden, violent, unexplained or unexpected deaths within the City of Sanctuary and determines the cause and manner of death.
They provide comprehensive forensic pathology services. These services include all the functions you would expect in a medical examiner's office, including:
-- Medicolegal autopsies with all necessary additional testing provided through our group (e.g., x-rays, toxicology, histology, neuropathology,...)
-- Autopsy reports prepared with expert opinion as to cause and manner of death.
--"Second autopsy," where a second examination of the body is done after a previous autopsy has been performed. (Which would include review and evaluation of the findings of the first autopsy and the results of the second autopsy with expert opinion.)
--Reviews of autopsy reports prepared by other physicians. We provide expert opinions as to the findings and conclusions made.
--Exhumation autopsies.
--Assistance in identification of remains with access to forensic radiologic, dental and anthropologic expertise.
--Investigative assistance, with review of scene reports (e.g., accident report, police report, fire marshall report...) or, if possible, by investigation of the scene personally. This could include correlation of these reports/investigations with autopsy results (whether our autopsy or not) for a comprehensive evaluation of the circumstances surrounding death.
-- Evaluation of non-fatal injuries.
All of the above services may include providing expert opinion in written reports, interviews, legal depositions and legal proceedings, both criminal and civil
Facilities are up-to-the minute and high-tech, with a special vault for vampire victims so they don't kill the staff when they rise. Staff bios are at the human section of the character pages--under PSDF Crew.
Sanctuary Police Department
While Sanctuary is a relatively peaceful place when compared to major cities, it has the usual problems of a small and prosperous city. There are rapes, muggings, burglaries, domestic violence, assaults, and murders. One reasons the crime rate is low is that the Chief of Police, saw the advantage in neighborhood policing, and there are minibranches throughout the city.
At HQ, there is a Violent Crimes Division, which handles sex crimes, assaults, muggings, and domestic violence. There's a burglary squad, vice, narcotics (marijuana is the drug of choice in the area, though crack shows up occasionally), and a small gang violence group (gangs in Sanctuary are still at the stage of vandalism and occasional fights; this isn't L.A. with drive-by shootings.
The SPD also has the local SWAT team, which is often used by the surrounding towns if there is a problem (there seldom is, but evening Sanctuary there is the odd occurrence). After the former head of SWAT was eaten by a demon, along with 1/4 of his men, they hired someone with experience with supernaturals.
Then there is the Paranormal Safety Task Force. There are the usual interdepartmental rivalries, but most of the police are Sanctuary born and bred and work well together. They have an investment in keeping their town safe.
Paranormal Safety Task Force
Recently reorganized, Sanctuary's Paranormal Safety Task Force, PSTF, known to the uniforms as “Pissed-Off” has quite a different look, but the same mission, to investigate any crime with a paranormal connection. Captain Ivan Asimov, known behind his back as "Ivan the Terrible", has been given direct command of the division following numerous high-profile supernatural crimes. Asimov had officers transferred to the division with whom he was familiar. This has caused some friction with the "old guard".
Bios for the officers can be found on the bio pages in the "humans" section.
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