Replacement Procedure of Administrators

        Should the need arise to replace an admin, the following protocol will be followed.

        The Senior admins will send a notice to the Junior admins, Character Admins. and Chair(s) of the WWC indicating that a position is open.

        The Junior, Senior, Character, and WWC Chair(s) will nominate people taken from the pool of writers. The only restrictions are that the person has been writing for 6 months and may not hold two positions of the same type. ie may be a Senior Admin and Human Admin, but can not be two type admins like Human and Fey. Being a member of the WWC doesn't count toward admin positions.

        At the end of a week from the time of notice, or when all nominations have been received(whichever comes first), the nominees will be contacted by the initiating Senior Admin, and asked it they wish to be considered for the position.

        Those that answer in the affirmative will be listed in an email and the email sent to the list for voting. Once the votes are in, the person with the most votes will be the new admin. If there is a tie, the two people will go to the list again for a revote.


        This page maintained by: The Web Master


This page maintained by: The Web Master