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Angel and Demon Guidelines (Draft)
Pure spirits, like angels and devils, are welcome characters in Sanctuary with only a few limitations. These spirits are looked at from a Judeo-Christian perspective. Those who wish to be Eastern spirits should check with the Heaven/Hell admin on a case by case basis.
ANGELS are perfected spirits who enjoy the countenance of the Lord. Higher ranking angels (like archangels) visit earth rarely, and always with some kind of purpose. Most angels, with the exception of guardians, can't stay on earth long; they get the temptation to "go native." The only angels on earth long term (by human lights) is the guardian angel, assigned to one person for his/her lifetime. Angels usually help by giving the best advice, performing protective actions, and interceding for sinners with the Most High. Magic-users frequently invoke the protection of angels when performing ritual magic (see the mage/witch rules).
Archangels are more highly ranking angels usually with special assignments, like Michael, who is captain-general of the Heavenly Host. Check with the H/H admin for these assignments. Most angels, again, are short term visitors and not usually sensible for long term characters.
DEMONS are spirits who made a choice to reject the light of heaven. One tradition suggests that demons (aka devils) left as an act of pride, jealous over the creation of that new creature: the human. They are hierarchical and are at odds even with their fellow demons. There is no love, affection, loyalty, or any other virtue in Hell (otherwise it wouldn't be hell, would it?). They come to earth to arrange man's downfall. Playing a demon comes with limitations. First, they may be enslaved to evil sorcerers. They are usually summoned beings. Their actions can be detected by those attuned to the Light. They CAN be defeated in battle and are often trapped in this world or banished to the next. Solomon, the wise king of Israel, was known as the master of men and demons, creating the precedent that those in the know can control demons.
The H/H admin's feeling is that most demon characters will likely not be long term, since they are doomed to be spiritual second-class citizens and will ultimately be defeated. Don't get attached to a demon character.
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