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These are guide rules but there is still plenty of room to adapt a character with. Please email the admin with questions.
**All other characters are case by case approval and rules will only be made up for that kind if more than two characters exist.
Powers: Supernatural speed, can fly, shapeshift between various human forms and the gargoyle one. Can mesmerize, supernatural strength, instantaneous healing. Abilities are severely limited during the day time. At night--full strength.
Description of powers:
The Gargoyles are a group of humans, fey, vampires, and were, who either were cursed into the statues or forced into them to stay alive. Their souls exist inside the statues and whatever happens to the statues they feel. The gargoyles are also bound to serve, as a slave, whoever possesses their statue, if the person knows they are there. When no one owns their statue, they are free to do whatever they want.
The gargoyle power structure is arranged into clans, called Rookeries, based on what area the statue is first kept in. The head of the rookery is called "Father" or "Mother", and the position is based on age and ability.
The gargoyles get their strength from the wild magic, which is strongest at night and weakest during the day. Most prefer to stay within their statues during the day, but they can come out at any time.
They can take on any human form so long as it is the same sex as their original form. They can also take on a living version of their statues--become gargoyles.
They inherently feel the need to protect those who cannot protect themselves. They are not erratically violent, but do not restrain from using violence if it is the fastest way to end a situation. It takes quite a lot to enrage a gargoyle, but once they are enraged, they have to kill to quiet their blood-rage. Gargoyles essential have the best combination of vampire and were abilities, without their weaknesses. They are not almighty, their powers are greatly hindered during the day (down to human scale) they also do not like using their powers because it reminds them that they are cursed.
Their statue is their weak point. If it is destroyed they are sent to hell. If it gets cracked or chipped, they suffer excruciating pain. Whoever has their statue is both their master because of the curse and because they can kill or injure the gargoyle at any time. (Gargoyles are similar to the old style genies, except they do not grant wishes, they obey orders, and they live in statues, instead of lamps that have to be rubbed.)
They tend to be rather somber and the older ones are usually very bitter, but not always. Overall, Gargoyles are a quiet bunch that prefer to study and learn about the world. They are found world wide. (Ex: demon statues in India, Snake and human-form carvings in South and Central America, Egyptian statues, Chinese temple statues.)
***All that is really required to create a gargoyle is some stone statue, it can be any kind of statue, but it *has* to be made out of some sort of stone and it has to be a man-made statue with at least decent distinguishing carving to it, no scratches on a rock, no naturally eroded stones. It *has* to be carved to at least be easily distinguishable, it does *not* have to be "art" quality work though.
Can be Eastern, Western, Tropical, Water, Fire, Air, or Earth. They MUST be based on real mythology!! This is non-negotiable.
The dragon must be at least a young adult, capable of shapeshifting into a less conspicuous form. The form does not have to be human, but human would most likely be easier to write. Also, the majority of western dragons have an extreme hatred of humans.
Dragon abilities are based on which kind it is. To have a dragon character considered PLEASE research it. (Between the administrator of "Other/Immortals" and the character approval team, we will know if you are basing your dragon on myth or on some published writer's creations.
--Bodiless spirits/souls, can be human or animal, or vampire, were, fey, etc. (They have to be permanently dead)
Invisible forms--powers variable, ranging from the "bump in the night" and the tilted pictures, to poltergeists, to friendly aid--a ghost that helps whoever it lives with.
Visible, Non-Vocal forms--Shades and solids. These ghosts are able to take on a visible form. They are NOT common. Most of the time they do the above, and walk around/appear, which usually scares people.
Visible, Vocal forms--shades and solids. These are disembodied souls that are able to communicate with the average human. They are usually very sad. They also usually are tied to an area highly important to their life. Usually to protect it.
All ghosts--Cannot do anything while there is daylight. They are tied to a certain place, thing, (Or in rare instances a person) and cannot leave it. In the case of being tied to a thing, they cannot leave the building that encloses the object. For haunting a person, they cannot leave the near by area the person is in. Haunting of a person is usually done for revenge or protection of the living person.
Ghosts are weakest during the day (obviously), their powers/strengths fluctuate with the moon phases. At new moon they have their maximum power, at full moon they are almost as weak as during the day.
Due to the ghost's limited "haunting" area, they are not the best main characters.
These come in only a few known forms. Several appear to be demonic in nature and travel through the deepest of shadow, both in the physical world and the spiritual.
Current known 'Shadow Walkers' in Sanctuary are UgitC and SwLH (see bios).
These latter use the shadows in our world to travel. They are rare since they aren't human and accidentally (well roughly accidentally) entered this world. (Technically their world coexists with the Fey and Earth, occupying the same sites, but separate). They are shapeshifters only in that their bodies are built to camiflage them from prey and enemy alike in their realm. Natural forms are wiry, redskinned with black shifting markings (foliage there ranges from orange-red to dried blood red), upon entering this realm (or Fey's) their body tries to camiflage them by taking on human shape and coloring. Thus they lose the claws, some of their speed and agility, and senses are less keen than before. They can shift their bodies back to true form or partially shift back. They can't talk...that is, they can vocalize, but in their realm they communicate via empathy, auras, and pheromones. They like shiny things, eat anything (humans included at times), can be vicious when angered, and are very territorial.
They travel through shadows, hide in them. They can drag humans into the shadows with them. Few humans can see the world from the shadows. The general sensation is that of numbness, cold, and terror. And a human can't get out by themselves once dragged in.
Weaknesses: less strong than weres. Lack human language and some concepts. Can be hurt but heal quickly especially if they can access a healing aura.(Doctors and nurses appear to have this type of aura). Obsessive to the point of putting themselves in danger.
All Shadow Walkers are rare. And they aren't an easy character to write!
All Others
Will be taken and considered on a case by case basis. Please, please, please research before you send in a bio.
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