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The undead in this interactive fiction are strongly based on vampires seen in the Anita Blake Vampire Hunter series by Laurell K. Hamilton. However, we have gone on to answer some of the questions brought up by the series, including inconsistencies that have been discussed ad infinitum on various lists. So sit down and browse through the rules and regulations of this universe’s night loving denizens.
Briefly put, it goes like this: Vampire Council (one per continent, made up of Master vampires)
Lords and Ladies of the Lands (Master vampires, ruling each city’s vampire community)
Master Vampires (may take over cities or get on the Council)
Vampires (never attain Master status no matter how long they ‘live’)
Baby Vampires (newly made up to about 25 years as the undead)
In more detail, here’s each group.
Vampire Council: composed of the ‘voting’ members, usually 5-10; non-voting Enforcers(judge, jury and executioner of the Council’s policies), and non-voting advisors(Namir is a good example). They are all Master vampires, with strong powers. They control the entire continent’s vampires and may remove a Lord of the Land via an Enforcer if not in person. Only rarely does one step down from the position. They are replaced usually by a Master killing the current member and taking his/her place.
Lord or Lady of the Land: referred to as either Lord, Lady, or Prince regardless of gender. They are Master vampires and control the vampiric community in each city. There is only one per city. They make and enforce their rules within the general conduct rules set by the Council. Generally they can do as they please as long as they keep out of the notice of the Council. They generally run one or more businesses in a city. They are ruthless, doing whatever it takes to keep their position. Most hold this a long time. It’s not unusual for them to rule a city for a century or more. They lose their position by being defeated by a challenger. Often this results in the former Lord’s death. Many, though not all of these ruling vampires use power, fear, and torture to control the community.
Master Vampires: These are powerful vampires who fall under the direct control of the Lord/Lady of the Land (LotL). Most often these are older vampires(>200 years). Master vampires entering new territory must notify the LotL that they are present and request permission to hunt in the LotL’s city. Otherwise this may be taken as a declaration of war and may well be hunted down by the LotL and destroyed. Master vamps are ‘born’ masters, but may not realize it if their Sire is strong enough to curb their power. Also, having the ability doesn’t give them the knowledge and control to wield their power effectively. They need to practice over decades or even centuries.
Vampires: Majority of vampires are not masters. Even very old ones. These vampires are often still with their Sire or under the control and protection of another Master vampire. These vampires can turn humans into vampires, but rarely have human servants.
Baby or New Vampires: Range from the newly turned up to about 25 years of vampiric age. Under their Sire’s control/protection or another Master’s.
Human Servants
Humans or weres that receive ‘marks’ from Master vampires (extremely rare to see a non-master mark a servant), resulting in a bond that can last for centuries. Only one human servant per Master. The marks are as follows:
1st Mark: vampire gives the person his/her lifeforce, and makes it impossible for the human servant to be mesmorized by a vampire or affected by vampiric glamour.
2nd Mark: human servant invulnerable to clouding of mind. The vampire can now invade the human servant’s dreams, and communicate within the dreams. The vampire can now siphon off lifeforce from the person if needed.
3rd Mark: vampire can communicate with the servant through telepathy. Without the servant’s permission for this mark it would be like committing rape. Enhanced healing and strength appear at this mark, though sometimes it is seen with the second mark.
4th Mark: the human must drink some of the vampire’s blood. It is done in a ceremony with witnesses. This final mark causes the vampire to lose all power over the human servant. This mark slows the aging process as well.
Other things to note: the human servant gains the ability to heal quickly, enhanced strength, though not that of a vampire or were, and their aging process slows down to nearly nothing. Harming a human servant harms the vampire. Kill the vampire and the human servant dies or goes insane. The vampire doesn’t die if the servant dies, but may mourn the loss for a long time. This bond is not chosen lightly. They are ‘stuck’ with each other for centuries.
Vampiric Powers
All vampires are quicker than humans(not as fast as weres, and often only appear faster because they cloud the minds around them to ‘not see’ them move), stronger, heal quickly, can hypnotize/mesmerize most people (human servants, alpha weres, and some rare gifted people like necromancers/some animators are immune), use a weak telepathy in connection to rolling a person’s mind; they also appear quite graceful and agile.
Other noted powers (each vampire seems to excel in one of these, rarely in more than one unless a Master who may have one extra strong power and slightly lesser one; some have several, but are only fair in them, not strong): pyrokinetics, flying, strong telepathy, telekinesis, magic, charm, voice. There are others, these just seem more common. See bios for Maggie, Lee, and Namir to get an idea of some vampiric powers and how they are used.
How to Stop a Vampire
Now we come to the big controversy: Holy items, Crosses, and Holy Water.
And here we diverge some more from AB’s universe.
Holy items, crosses, holy water...2 things need to be present for these to effectively repel or hurt a vampire.
The first is if the vampire intends harm to the person. The second is the faith of the person. Without both present, the items don’t work. So a vampire in our universe can handle Holy Water, Crosses, Bibles, Blessed items, the Star of David...as long as said vampire doesn’t intend someone harm at the same time. An atheist waving a cross at the vampire is a dead duck. They have no true faith. Throw Holy Water on a vampire and you’ll have an annoyed and drenched vampire. But not burned. There are a lot of mistaken ideas about what will stop the vampire in our universe. And the Vamp community likes to keep humans in the dark to protect their own. So you will see one vampire drenched in Holy Water and bitching about their silk shirt being ruined, and another cowering away from a cross after trying to attack a human.
Also note that garlic may offend the vampire's nose (as well as that of any lycanthrope in the vicinity), but it is no defense against the undead. Also, vampire's can be seen in mirrors. They have a physical body and it doesn't defy the laws of physics by not reflecting in a mirror.
Vampire Politics
A lot of it has been already touched on, but it is to be noted that there is a friction between the Old World vampires and those created in the New World (North and South America). The former has a strong tendency toward tradition. The latter appear as anarchists to these vampires. And the ‘old ones’ ways’ may seem confining. Also there is resentment toward the immigrating vampires. In the old World it is still legal to kill vampires. They have no rights. The US was the first to give them rights and protect them under the law. Canada followed in the early 70’s as did Central America. South America has only granted rights in certain countries, and only in the past decade.
I often get asked the same question as Vamp Admin, so I've created a FAQ page. Check it out before asking me the question in case your answer is there. If it isn't, then feel free to contact me. Who knows? YOUR question may be added to the FAQ!
Okay, I’ve inundated you with vampire ‘rules’, but there is plenty to prevent you from limiting your imagination. Create a vamp and come join the LotL in Sanctuary for some evening fun!
This page maintained by: The Web Master