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The most important thing to remember is that all weres are shapeshifters, but not all shapeshifters are weres.
General Information
Weres suffer from the lycanthropy virus, which is passed through an attack by a were in his animal shape, or, rarely, by a bad batch of lycanthropy serum. The shape a new were will become at the full moon is the same as that of his/her attacker. Wolves and rats are the most common, because their form of the virus is extremely contagious--a scratch can infect. The feline form of the virus is less potent. To become a werecat, the attack must be savage, and a lot of those mauled by werecats die of their wounds.
As sufferers from a disease, weres are covered by the Persons with Disabilities act, as well as the Supernatural Civil Rights Act. Despite the laws, however, there is a great deal of prejudice against them (think HIV sufferers), and they frequently face discrimination in the workplace, health care, and housing. For this reason, many weres are firmly in the closet, only allowing the members of the pack or close friends and family to learn their secret. A were doctor or nurse would face the same prejudice as a medical person with HIV.
Most master vampires can call a particular type of animal, including the weres of that species. It takes a very powerful alpha or beta to fight that call. Some master vampires try to work out a friendly arrangement with the weres they can control, realizing that willing allies are better than slaves who hate you; they offer protection in return for service, and it becomes a partnership. Some of the older European vampires regard weres as their rightful serfs, and treat them with arrogance. More than one Lord of the Land has died at the hands of his subject weres. Weres tend to be wary of strange master vampires until they know them, for this reason.
Despite the handicaps and bigotry they must face, weres have certain advantages. Aside from their ability to shape-shift into one form, they are immune to poisons and most toxins, so they are extremely healthy. They can heal any wound short of a death wound, but if silver is pressed into it, or the wound was made by a silver bullet or knife, or heated metal is pressed into the wound, they may scar. To prevent this, the wound must be re-opened and stitched. It will take fatal damage to brain or heart to kill them, preferably from a silver bullet. Even being skinned won't kill them, although they will be in agony. The downside is that drugs and anesthetics don't work well on them because they metabolize them so quickly. Some weres heal faster than other, depending on their strength and power levels.
They are much stronger and faster than humans as well, faster even than vampires. Weres have a form of energy akin to that of Fey or magic users. It can be sensed by a non-were if they are supernatural themselves or possess some power akin to magic. Non-weres may not be able to guess what animal form a were wears, however, although weres can tell just by looking at each other.
Some very powerful alpha or master weres can control their changes, and even hold off the change at the full moon if necessary, and some can change partially--a hand into a clawed paw, for instance--or into a man-wolf shape. Most weres, however cannot do this. They must turn at the full moon, and if they change at other times, they must stay in that form for 8 hours, and hunt; if they try to change back sooner, they tend to fall into a very deep sleep.
All weres have heightened senses. Their sight, noses, hearing are far more acute than that of normal humans--and they can scent emotions. Some can tell if you're lying, but they are usually masters.
Wolves congregate in a pack, with a Pack leader called the Jarl (they're usually male, but Ladies do occur), and there is a strict hierarchical structure. Each were has his place on the social ladder, and can only advance by fighting his superiors. Except for battles for the Lordship, battles are usually to first blood or submission. The rare fight between two alphas is usually to the death, though the winner may spare his opponent's life. Each pack has its own tradition on this.
The "feeling" of a pack is colored by the personality of the Jarl. A pack run by a power-hungry, sadistic Jarl will be very different from one led by an alpha who sees his responsibility as a form of noblesse oblige, and uses his strength to care for and protect the pack. In some packs the penalty for challenging the orders of the Jarl is death, while in others it is a period of exile, which is extremely painful. Being a lone wolf is dangerous as well as frightening--you no longer have the pack's protection.
Alphas are very powerful weres. They have the powers mentioned above, but their position is determined by their personality, physical strength, charisma and something akin to magical ability as well as just being dominant. Rare alphas can feed the pack through their own blood. They can also use their energy to calm other weres or to dominate them.
A dominant wolf is one who has high standing in the pack and who is respected by the other members. The Consort of the Jarl is always an alpha as well. He (usually) has a standing equal in his mate. The Consort is always the mate of the Jarl, and they're usually married--the bond is for life.
Most important thing to remember: loyalty to the pack is above every other bond.
Cats, like wolves, have their alphas and betas and dominants, but their social group is called a Pride and is ruled by an ard ri (king) . So the old folk tale about the King of the Cats has its roots in truth. While most of the big cats, with the exception of lions, tend to be loners, werecats need each other's company; in that way they are closer to domestic felines than to wild ones. Since the feline form of the virus tends to be less virulent than the rat or wolf version, most Prides are mixed, though in some large cities, there will a pride of lions, panthers, tigers, etc. In that case, there is a Royal Council to negotiate difficulties between the packs. Also like the wolves, the Pride takes on the personality of its King.
They have legends of the Cait Sith or Faerie Cats, and before the virus was isolated, many believed that the first werecats were the results of matings between Cait Sith in human form and mortals. In Sanctuary, Namir has taken the werecats under his protection when a war broke out between wolves and rats. Sahsa Berenkov is the cat pride's Lord.
Rats are the most common Were there is. Rats are social and like to associate with people and other rats. Rats are known best for extraordinary business acumen. They have an extensive network in the financial world, in Asia and in the west. They are expert at portfolios and investment, accounts and financial wizardry. If you want a good deal and good money management find a wererat. Likewise if you need a shady money deal a rat can probably help with that too; all aspects of finance, above ground and below, are observed by were-rats.
Rat Society and Hierarchy:
Rats are organized into nests. Nests are a close family-like grouping that is protective and nurturing for rat society. Nests are independent but may choose to recognize higher authorities in other nests, like the rumored Emperor in the East. Our Sanctuary nest is called Hsi T'ien, which means 'Western Paradise' in Chinese. The first rat in Sanctuary was the merchant captain Ezekiel Chester who spent some amount of time in the Spice Islands and China and thought highly of the culture.
Rats refer to themselves by several names. The Kaba or 'children', the Children of Daikoku or the Children of Prosperity, ratkind, etc., etc. They have reverence towards several eastern deities that are linked to success and prosperity including Daikoku, Ganesha and Buddha. You may find some rats swearing by these deities' names, and rituals often call for their favor or approval.
At the head of the nest is, in the West, the rat King. Eastern nests and Middle East nests use different names but the function is essentially the same. The King is almost always a male rat that is from the Thuy, or alpha/protector group. There may be a contest for the Kingship between male rats involving fighting and other contests as thought appropriate. These contests can be public to the whole nest or just the active councils. The King makes decisions for the nest's properity and also leads the Thuy, the alpha/nest protectors. He often defers to advisory councils in the Shui and Thuy. He can command any rat in the nest, but rat society tends to be more laid back than the societies of certain other weres, unless the nest is threatened.
Underneath the King are two active groups, the Thuy and the Shui. The Thuy are composed only of alpha males, considered the protectors of the nest and enforcers. There is a hierarchy in the Thuy, but not a very rigid one; it tends to be very casual after peoples' places are established. They treat each other as brothers-in-arms. When an outsider or a newly initiated youngster comes into the Thuy there is a certain amount of agressive testing. Boxing, fighting, etc., to get the right feel for the newcomer. Some nests may appoint a champion to fight a newcomer. The King can stop the fight. Once a rat's place is established he usually isn't threatened. The Thuy are the front line fighters and soldiers for the King and will respond well to tactics.
The Shui are composed of actively fertile females and beta, or non-agressive males. The females form a committee called a Mischief which keeps tabs on the nest, sees that everyone is supported and looks towards the business and prosperity of the nest and its members. They often advise the King on these matters. The males of the Shui are also active in the non-fighting business of the nest and work with the Mischief closely, adding essential skills and insight for the King. Shui and Thuy are accorded equal respect with one exception. All fertile females, known as Queens, are considered to have the highest respect in the nest. All will respectfully listen and bow to them--including the King--in recognition of their importance.
The Shui and Thuy meet with the King once a week to discuss Nest matters. Currently in our nest there is no King or Thuy.
Beneath the Thuy and Shui are the people, the Kaba, rats. The Kaba is a term meaning 'children' and may be used to refer to all rats or just to those of the nest who are members but aren't active in nest affairs. All adult rats that have been accepted into the nest are under a King's command and may be asked to perform nest duties, but are rarely asked to burden themselves with administrative tasks if they do not wish to join the Thuy or Shui.
Beneath the Kaba are the immature 'pups'. Bucks are immature males who have not undergone initiation. Does or 'little queens' are immature females who have not undergone initiation. The Thuy handles male initiation with the presence of the male Shui, and the Mischief oversees female initiation. The rats are introduced into rat society at the next Nest meeting, where all rats of the nest attend and which occurs once a month (during the full moon preferably). An initiation is a cause for celebration and ritual, something rats enjoy.
Of rituals and meetings :
Rat nests may have other rituals. Special occurrences like the Year of the Rat and other water element years tend to be high prosperity years for everyone, but for rats especially. Rats tend to breed prodigiously and have successful business transactions during this time, and they engage in more primitive behavior betraying their rat natures.
Rats are territorial, but not so much individually. The do mark their territories, so that a rat (or other type of were) will know when he enters a nest area or is near another rat. Rats have keen senses of smell, better than wolves or cats, and they use it to check each other out and identify friend or foe. A new stranger, if male, may be roughed up a little by the Thuy to determine his station, then welcomed whole-heartedly under the King's approval. A female will have to satisfy the Mischief and have the King's approval.
This pertains to the members of a nest, but there are those outside as well. Non-nest members include the Karni Mata, the Outcasts and the Outsiders.
Outside the Nest :
Karni Mata: the prophets and seers of the Children. They are very rare and very special. When a rat reaches the age of 100 years their hair (human and rat form) turns snow white, their eyes red, and they gain the gift of prophecy. They may see and talk with spirits and know arcane things. They use this information to help and advise. A nest is considered very lucky to have one. The nest will dote on a Karni Mata; all give respect, even the King, and all will help care for a Karni Mata.
The Karni Mata may or may not have special assistants. The Karni Mata may be close or distant to the nest members; it depends on the individual Karni Mata.
Outcasts: Outcasts are rare in rat society, but could exist for a several reasons. He/she endangers the nest on purpose, he/she kills a Queen or other member of the nest without due cause, or just doesn't like nest society. Typically rats are very social and very relaxed in their interactions so outcasts are unusual.
Outsiders: are nestless rats. They could be travelling between nests, establishing a new nest, or just prefer the life of a wanderer. Typically, rats will associate with the local nest and go through a trial to be accepted by it. Business arrangements may cause rats to go between several nests and maintain affiliations with multiple ones.
On Nest Society :
Nests will take care of families of wererats who are deceased. If a rat leaves a widow or orphans the nest will bring them under its financial umbrella and see that they are taken care of. This includes non-rat mates. Non-rat mates are given respect although they are not part of rat society and generally have little contact with the nest and its activities. This will vary with individuals and nests. Rats may marry other rats or non-rats as they choose.
When dealing with non-rats on nest business the King needs to be aware of it. Usually the Mischief and Shui will deal with business and use the Thuy for protection or safety, or even a little muscle.
Rats have a very good feel for the urban environment, below ground and above it. They will have people who know the underground layout well if the city has one. In times of war or when the nest is in danger, going to ground is a viable escape route and once on the run, rats are almost impossible to track.
***Note: If any were can breed through the virus to its offspring, it's rats. The virulance of their strain of the virus is incredibly adaptable and can pass the placental barrier of the mother rat in the blood. This is not always the case, but can happen. Rats are quick to bring in new members into the nest as fast as possible to protect them and welcome them into the family. They tend to be very warm with each other.
Other ShapeShifters
While weres are the most common form of shapeshifter, there are other kinds. Some are cursed humans who offended a witch or mage and are being punished in this manner--some are even semi-immortal until they have learned their lesson. A few are genetic weres, the offspring of two shifters who carry the rare gene. Some families have hereditary guardians, and one member of each generation will be born with the ability to shapeshift. Clan Chattan, which has a lynx as part of its heraldic crest, is a good example of this.
Some enchanted humans are turned into familiars by mages who have turned Dark. No ethical witch or mage would over-ride another's will that way, but it does happen. Most familiars are either real animals or totem spirits, rather than shapeshifters.
There are also beings akin to Fey who are naturally able to change form as part of their nature. Selkies, the seal folk, and nagas, serpent people, are examples of this. Pucas are Fey who have several forms at their command. Swan Maidens are also Fey shape shifters. Most of the High Court Fey can use Glamour to shapeshift--or at least to give the illusion of shifting through a spell.Oriental and Celtic dragons can also take a human shape, though they seldom wish to do so, preferring their natural appearance to the limiting human form.
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