Avery Hill Training Facility

Building Places of Worship

The Crow's Nest

Elysian Field

Helsing Investigations

The Justice Center and Police Department

University of Maine-School of Parapsychology

Karlsen Halfway House (K-House)

MacLeod's Fine Art Studio


Organizations in Sanctuary

The Rialto Theatre

Rosen Stables

Map of Southern Maine

Map of Sanctuary Proper

Vampire's Map of Sanctuary

Writer Owned Places in Sanctuary

Welcome. These are the places in Sanctuary that are owned by various writers. Some of these pages are also linked to the writer's personal webpages with more information.

If you are interested in a specific place, please click on it on the list on the left. If you have no specific place in mind, pick one to learn about it.

The Maps of Sanctuary

Map of Southern Maine This has Sanctuary and some of the outlying areas on it.

Map of Sanctuary Proper Shows down town Sanctuary and the areas considered actually in the City.

Vampire's Map of Sanctuary The territory the Lord of the City rules and shows the territories bordering his lands.


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